The Fluo stress test computes the number of unique integers through the process of building a bitwise trie. New numbers are added to the trie as leaf nodes. Observers watch all nodes in the trie to create parents and percolate counts up to the root node such that each node in the trie keeps track of the number of leaf nodes below it. The count at the root node should equal the total number of leaf nodes. This makes it easy to verify if the test ran correctly. The test stresses Fluo in that multiple transactions can operate on the same data as counts are percolated up the trie.
Run trie stress test using Mini Fluo
There are several integration tests that run the trie stress test on a MiniFluo instance.
These tests can be run using mvn verify
Run trie stress test on cluster
If you want to run the trie stress on the cluster, first set up HDFS, YARN, Zookeeper, and Accumulo. Next, initialize Fluo with following observer:
Next, build the module:
cd modules/stress
mvn package assembly:single
This will create two jars in target:
$ ls target/fluo-stress-*
Copy fluo-stress-1.0.0-alpha-1-SNAPSHOT.jar to lib/observers in your Fluo deployment:
cp target/fluo-stress-1.0.0-alpha-1-SNAPSHOT.jar $DEPLOY/lib/observers
Finally, on a node where Hadoop is set up, run the following command to ingest data into Fluo using fluo-stress-1.0.0-alpha-1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar:
yarn jar <jarPath> io.fluo.stress.trie.NumberIngest <numMap> <numPerMap> <nodeSize> <fluoProps>
jarPath = target/fluo-stress-1.0.0-alpha-1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar
numMap = Number of ingest map tasks
numPerMap = Number of integers ingested per map
nodeSize = Size of node in bits which must be a divisor of 32/64
fluoProps = Path to