Fluo Table Optimization


Recipes may need to make Accumulo specific table modifications for optimal performance. Configuring the Accumulo tablet balancer and adding splits are two optimizations that are currently done. Offering a standard way to do these optimizations makes it easier to use recipes correctly. These optimizations are optional. You could skip them for integration testing, but would probably want to use them in production.

Java Example

FluoConfiguration fluoConf = ...

//export queue configure method will return table optimizations it would like made
ExportQueue.configure(fluoConf, ...);

//CollisionFreeMap.configure() will return table optimizations it would like made
CollisionFreeMap.configure(fluoConf, ...);

//initialize Fluo

//Automatically optimize the Fluo table for all configured recipes

The above example automatically optimizes all configured recipes. If more selective optimizations is need look into using the following methods instead.

  • CollisionFreeMap.getTableOptimizations(String mapId, Configuration appConfig)
  • ExportQueue.getTableOptimizations(String queueId, Configuration appConfig)
  • TableOperations.optimizeTable(FluoConfiguration fluoConfig, Pirtos pirtos)

Command Example

Fluo Recipes provides an easy way to optimize a Fluo table for configured recipes from the command line. This should be done after configuring recipes and initializing Fluo. Below are example command for initializing in this way.

#create application 
fluo new app1

#configure application

#initialize Fluo
fluo init app1

#optimize table for recipes
fluo exec app1 io.fluo.recipes.accumulo.cmds.OptimizeTable